The Myanmar Herpetological Survey Project
Invited to do preliminary fieldwork in Most of our current understanding of the Burmese herpetofauna is based on the efforts of British officials and scientists during Britain's colonial occupation of the country and was summarized in, The Fauna of British India. As the title suggests, its focus was the Indian subcontinent but included fauna ranging from Sri Lanka to Myanmar and Thailand. At the onset of this current project, about 350 amphibian and reptile species had been documented from Myanmar, which is certainly an underestimation of actual number of species. Given the confluence of three distinct biogeographic units and the expected high rate of endemism as well as the near-complete lack of structured herpetological surveys, we predict that the total number of species to be found in Myanmar will be closer to 500. In 1999, the National Science Foundation funded a joint collaboration between the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division, Forestry Department of Myanmar, the California Academy of Sciences, and the Smithsonian Institution (DEB 9971861) to inventory the amphibian and reptile species of Myanmar for three years. The core of the project is specimen-based surveys conducted primarily by a trained field team chosen from employees of the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division, Forest Department. It represents the first systematic herpetological survey to be conducted in the country, and certainly, the first to be conducted primarily by Myanmar Forestry Department staff. The goals of the Myanmar Herpetological Survey Project
are: 1. To make collections of specimens, tissues samples, and associated data to document and understand the diversity of the Myanmar herpetofauna and its relationships to the fauna of contiguous regions; 2. To provide training to employees of the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division in systematics, herpetology, conservation biology, and biodiversity survey techniques; 3. To provide the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division with data, reports, and publications to help them understand and conserve their own biodiversity; 4. To help the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division develop the newly founded Myanmar Biodiversity Museum; 5. To promote and sustain a resurgence of organismal biology in Myanmar. This
Project is dedicated to Joe