Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Ichthyology Primary Types Imagebase

CAS 219365 Gorgasia thamani Greenfield [D. W.] & Niesz [S.], 2004 Holotype  [Collection database record]
thamani, Gorgasia Greenfield [D. W.] & Niesz [S.] 2004:373, Fig. 1 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences v. 55 (no. 17); ref. 27900] Koro Island, western side off Kade Village, 17°21.261'S,179°22.435'E, Fiji, depth 14-15.2 meters. Holotype: CAS 219365. Paratypes: AMS I.43260-001 (1), BHMH 2004.4.8.1 (1), BPBM 39441 (1), CAS 219366 (2), FMNH 113585 (1), NSMT-P68327 (1), SAIAB 74101 (1), USNM 376279 (1). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Gorgasia thamani Greenfield & Niesz 2004. Current status: Valid as Gorgasia thamani Greenfield & Niesz 2004. Congridae: Heterocongrinae. Distribution: Fiji. Habitat: marine.
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