Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 0514-0078   CAS 0514-0078; Carrying cloth
Category Textiles
Object Name Carrying cloth
Culture Highland Quechuan
Global Region South America
Country Peru
State/Prov./Dist. Puno, Carabaya Province
Other Geographic Data Town: Macusani
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1970s
Collection Name N/A
Materials Warp and weft: alpaca and/or sheep wool; Aniline dyes
Description Rectangular carrying cloth or over-shawl, probably woven on a 4-stake horizontal loom in two longer-than-wide panels that have been seamed together down the center; Each panel is woven in warp-faced plainweave technique; Design layout on each panel consists of a wide plain brown central strip, flanked on either side by a narrower composite stripes that employ supplementary and complimentary warps to produce various geometric and life form motifs in pink, red, several shades of green, blue, purple, orange, and white, as well as several stripes that are woven in plainweave; The two panels are seamed together using a flat joining stitch, done in various colors that are worked in segments; All four edges of seamed cloth are bound by a tubular edging, probably woven in a crossed-warp technique, in colors of pink, green, maroon, and dark blue.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 90.3, Length = 96.0