Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 0514-0233M   CAS 0514-0233M; Rope
Category Tools & Implements
Object Name Rope
Culture Highland Quechuan
Global Region South America
Country Peru
State/Prov./Dist. Puno, Carabaya Province
Other Geographic Data Town: Asillo
Maker's Name Maria ___?___ (Teodora Mamani Naupa’s cousin)
Date of Manufacture 1978
Collection Name N/A
Materials Handspun alpaca yarn
Description Miniature rope comprising 8 plied strands (4 white, 2 black, and 2 dark brown) which are doubled over at the start end to yield 16 plied strands that are then woven in a cross-warp technique that is common in the Cuzco area, yielding a design of a row of dark brown diamonds down the front and back of the rope, all outlined in white, and a black zigzag line down each side; Along the final 9 cm of the rope, the strands form a 3-strand braid and are finally tied in a knot and the ends left as a fringe. NOTE: According to Elayne Zorn, this was the first example she had seen of this technique being used in Puno. The person from whom Elayne Zorn purchased this also said this was used to tie loom stakes together, a use Zorn had never heard of previously.
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 0.7, Length = 203.0