Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number CAS 1985-0005-0001   CAS 1985-0005-0001; Rug
Category Textiles
Object Name Rug
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona, New Mexico
Other Geographic Data Navajo Indian Reservation area
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1900-1920
Collection Name N/A
Materials Handspun wool warp; Handspun natural, carded, and dyed wool weft; Aniline dyes (gold and tan)
Description Non-regional rug woven entirely in plain tapestry weave; Design consists of 3 columns each of 5 concentric, open, terraced diamonds in colors of white and dark brown on a carded gray background; Smaller concentric, open, terraced diamonds in colors of gold and white and tan and white fill the remaining spaces, except along the ends where Spider Woman crosses in white and dark brown fill the spaces between the primary design elements; Narrow, straight-edged dark brown border frames the rug along all four edges; Black selvage cords and blue end cords originally formed corner tassels.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 136.3, Length = ca. 212.5