Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 1985-0009-0026   CAS 1985-0009-0026; Bag
Category Textiles
Object Name Bag
Culture Nez Perce
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Idaho, Washington or Oregon
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture early 1900s
Collection Name N/A
Materials Hop twine; Hemp; Corn husk; Wool yarn; Cotton string; Aniline dyes
Description Large, flat rectangular storage bag woven in 2-strand plain twining technique; Warp material is hemp and primary weft material is hop twine, except the first 5 cm along the bottom where hemp is also used as the weft; Cotton string drawstring encircles mouth of bag; Designs are woven in false embroidery technique in both wool yarn and dyed corn husk fibers; On the front face of the bag are two large purple rectangles, each enclosing an orange diamond which in turn contains smaller geometric units in several shades of green, pale blue, red, and lilac; Between the purple rectangles is a band of 3 concentric terraced and serrated composite diamonds in red, black, and pale blue; Band of composite terraced triangles in red, black, green, and pale blue is located along bottom of bag; Designs on reverse face include central column of 3 "H' motifs in red, black, and pink, each one flanked on either side by a large red or green partial rectangle whose outer edge terminates in a black serrated "V" shape; Designs on both front and back are woven on a background of undyed corn husk fibers which are also woven in the false embroidery technique.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 44.0, Length = 53.3