Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 1985-0009-0032A,B   CAS 1985-0009-0032A,B; Basket with lid
Category Basketry
Object Name Basket with lid
Culture Mesquakie
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Illinois
Other Geographic Data Great Lakes region
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1920s-1940s
Collection Name N/A
Materials Ash splints; Aniline dye
Description Round basket with flat base, rounded sides, midlevel shoulder, and wide mouth, woven primarily in plain plaiting technique with decorative band of twisted weft around base and mid-section; Warp and weft material is ash splints; Designs are formed by alternating red-dyed weft elements with natural colored ones, resulting in a striped pattern; Matching lid is also woven in plain plaiting and has coiled rim and coil-wrapped loop handle at top.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 13.7, Rim Diam = 15.0, Max Diam = 24.5