Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 1985-0009-0047   CAS 1985-0009-0047; Beaded panel
Category Bead & Leatherwork
Object Name Beaded panel
Culture Chippewa, Ojibwe
Global Region North America
Country Canada or USA
State/Prov./Dist. Quebec, Ontario, Minnesota, Michigan
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. early 1900s
Collection Name N/A
Materials Velvet cloth; Glass beads; Thread
Description Round piece of black velvet cloth on cardboard backing with central beaded motif of four pink and 2 green flowers with white stem, encircled by multiple concentric circles of beads in same colors; Short loops of pink beads frames perimeter of cloth; Cardboard backing appears to serve only as temporary support to facilitate beading, as only the edges of the cloth are stitched to it with long threads that pass beneath it from one edge of the cloth to the opposite side.
Dimensions (cm) Thickness = 0.7, Max Diam = 33.5