Catalog Number |
CAS 1986-0012-0002 | |
Category | Basketry | |
Object Name | Basket | |
Culture | Central Pomo | |
Global Region | North America | |
Country | USA | |
State/Prov./Dist. | California | |
County | Mendocino | |
Other Geographic Data | Town: Manchester, Point Arena area | |
Maker's Name | Flora White Scarioni (19 Aug. 1886-11 December 1969) | |
Date of Manufacture | ca. 1940-1945 | |
Collection Name | N/A | |
Materials | Willow (Salix sp.) shoots; Sedge (Carex sp.) roots; Bracken fern (Pteridium sp.) roots | |
Description | Round, very shallow bowl-shaped basket with flat base and rounded sides that curve inward at rim, forming very wide mouth; Woven in single-rod coil; Design is in dyed bracken fern root and consists of 12 rectangular units arranged in an undulating band on the base; 6 terraced lines on sides of basket spiral up from base to rim (deer back pattern). | |
Dimensions (cm) | Height = 5.7, Rim Diam = 15.5, Max Diam = 22.9 |