Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 1988-0009-0026A,B   CAS 1988-0009-0026A,B; Knife with sheath
Category Weaponry
Object Name Knife with sheath
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1904-1907
Collection Name N/A
Materials A: Metal: Steel; Horn; B: Leather
Description A: Long, wide, single-edged knife tapering to a point on the distal end and slightly tapered toward the squared proximal end; Back edge of proximal end extends as armature for hafting into horn handle, carved with a spiral motif and capped on both ends with a metal band; Floral design is etched on both faces of knife blade; B: Hand-tooled leather sheath.
Dimensions (cm) Width = A=4.2; B=5.9, Thickness = A=2.4; B=1.8, Length = A=37.0; B=29.2