Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 1998-0002-0020A,B   CAS 1998-0002-0020A,B; Basket with lid
Category Basketry
Object Name Basket with lid
Culture Makah
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Washington
Other Geographic Data Makah Indian Reservation
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture mid 1960s
Collection Name N/A
Materials Cedar (Cedrus sp.) bark; Bear grass (Xerophyllum tenax) leaves; Rye grass (Elymus sp.) stems; Unidentified grass stems; Aniline dyes
Description Small round basket with flat base, vertical sides and recessed rim, along with corresponding round, flat-topped lid with low sides that fit over basket's rim; Warp material in basket is cedar bark; Center of base of basket is woven in simple plaiting technique, using cedar bark as both the warp and weft, while the perimeter of the base is woven in plain twining technique, using rye grass stems as the weft; Sides of basket are woven in wrapped twining technique, using bear grass leaves as the weft, with a whole bear grass leaf threaded in and out of the warps around the lower sides for additional structural support and/or for decorative effect; Single cedar bark slat encircles top of basket, forming the recessed rim, over which the warps are bent and bound into the final row of twining; Warp material in the lid is an unidentified grass stem; Lid is woven entirely in wrapped twining technique, using bear grass leaves as the weft; Designs on basket and lid are woven of dyed bear grass leaves and include band of small green circles around mid-section of basket and yellow center encircled by pink band on top of lid.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 3.5, Rim Diam = 3.9, Max Diam = 4.2