Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 2006-0011-0001   CAS 2006-0011-0001; Basket
Category Basketry
Object Name Basket
Culture Klikitat or Yakima
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Washington
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1915-1925
Collection Name N/A
Materials Willow (?) (Salix sp.) shoots; Cherry (?) bark; Tanned leather or buckskin; Cotton string; Wool yarn; Aniline dye
Description Medium sized, round berry picking basket with flat base and steeply flared sides, woven entirely in coiled technique; Rim is finished in herringbone weave; Exterior sides from base to rim are decorated in imbrication technique, using natural straw-colored bear grass leaves and either cherry bark or dyed (black) bear grass leaves; Design consists of stacked inverted triangles forming a large inverted V-shape, which is repeated four times; Pendant from the rim and placed in the spaces between the primary design motifs are small V-shaped motifs; Six small leather loops are threaded through basket just below the rim with their ends on the interior and the actual loops on the exterior; A hand woven wool and cotton string tumpline is tied to two of the loops; The tumpline has a zigzag design along most its length, woven in red wool on a white background, while both ends of the tumpline are undecorated and braided.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 17.9, Max Diam = 21.7