Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number CAS 2007-0001-0006   CAS 2007-0001-0006; Rug
Category Textiles
Object Name Rug
Culture Navajo and English
Global Region North America (Europe)
Country USA (England / Great Britain)
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona (England)
Other Geographic Data Navajo Indian Reservation area (Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire)
Maker's Name Margaret Shuffrey
Date of Manufacture 1985
Collection Name N/A
Materials Warp: English commercial belting wool yarn; Weft: English commercial plied wool yarn; Twining and selvage cords: English commercial wool yarns; Aniline dyes
Description Chinle Navajo-style rug, woven entirely in tapestry weave; Borderless design consists of horizontal bands, including three design bands and four plain bands; Design bands contain rows of stylized ?squash blossoms? either in solid colors of dark and medium gold or half and half in those colors, all on pale green background; Central design band actually comprises three bands; Alternating plain bands are made up of narrower bands either woven in plainweave or in wavy Crystal-style weave, in colors of orange, gold, and several shades of brown; Twining and selvage cords are woven with contrasting dark brown yarns.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 90.0, Length = 134.3