Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 2008-0005-0001   CAS 2008-0005-0001; Doll
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Doll
Culture Greenland Eskimo
Global Region North America
Country Greenland
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1900-1930
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Seal and/or other marine mammal skins; Commercial cloth; Glass and/or plastic seed beads; Human hair; Thread
Description Adult male doll having a carved wooden body whose arms are articulated at shoulders and elbows and legs are articulated at knees; Figure is carved crudely and dressed in well made and accurately proportioned clothing including high skin boots with elaborate appliqué skinwork detailing down their fronts and around tops; Boot inserts consist of wrap-around leggings and dark brown fur cuffs at top; Pieced and fitted short pants with hair on outside and appliquéd skin strip down front of each leg; Pink cloth shirt with red cloth waistband, beaded and dark brown fur cuffs, dark brown neck ruff, and multi-colored beaded cape that extends over both shoulders and covers equal portions of the doll’s chest and upper back; Doll’s head is covered with actual human hair that is pulled back into bundle and wrapped with several short lengths of various cloth fragments, but original hairstyle cannot be determined.
Dimensions (cm) Height = ca. 36.0, Width = 12.7, Depth = 5.3