Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 2008-0005-0002   CAS 2008-0005-0002; Doll
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Doll
Culture Greenland Eskimo
Global Region North America
Country Greenland
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1900-1930
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Seal and/or other marine mammal skins; Commercial cloth; Glass and/or plastic seed beads; Human hair; Thread; Metal: Steel straight pins
Description Adult male doll having a carved wooden body whose arms are articulated at shoulders and elbows and legs are semi-articulated at knees; Figure is carved crudely and dressed in well made and accurately proportioned clothing including high skin boots with elaborate appliqué skinwork detailing down their fronts and around tops; Boot inserts consist of wrap-around leggings and dark brown fur cuffs at top; Pieced and fitted short pants with hair on outside and appliquéd skin strip down front of each leg; Dark blue cloth shirt with light blue waistband, beaded and dark brown fur cuffs, dark brown neck ruff, and multi-colored beaded cape that extends over both shoulders and covers equal portions of the doll’s chest and upper back; Doll’s head is covered with actual human hair that is pulled back into a bun and wrapped with lengths of light blue cloth; Strip of black fabric is wrapped around head like headband or turban, but exact placement cannot be determined.
Dimensions (cm) Height = ca. 36.5, Width = 22.3, Depth = 6.3