Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 2014-0003-0001   CAS 2014-0003-0001; Skirt
Category Textiles
Object Name Skirt
Culture Micronesian: I-Kiribati
Global Region Oceania
Country Kiribati (Gilbert Islands)
Other Geographic Data Tarawa Atoll
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1943
Collection Name N/A
Materials Raffia grass leaves, Coconut fiber (?) cordage
Description Child’s skirt made from numerous small bundles of natural raffia grass leaves that are doubled over a length of coconut fiber cordage and held in place by additional raffia grass fibers that are woven in a twining technique along the top of the skirt; Secondary bundles of dyed red raffia grass leaves that are shorter on the front of the skirt are laid over the layer of undyed leaves and somehow gathered into the twined rows along the top; Cordage extends out from both ends and probably served to tie ends of skirt together after it was wrapped around wearer’s waist.
Dimensions (cm) Width = ca. 65.0, Length = ca. 45.0