Catalog Number |
CAS 0091-0049 | |
Category | Culinary Items; Tools & Implements | |
Object Name | Ladle | |
Culture | Northern Athabascan | |
Global Region | North America | |
Country | USA | |
State/Prov./Dist. | Alaska | |
County | ||
Other Geographic Data | Vicinity of Fort Egbert and Eagle City | |
Maker's Name | Unknown | |
Date of Manufacture | ca. 1901-1903 | |
Collection Name | N/A | |
Materials | Bark; Wood | |
Description | Scoop-like ladle with a large oval-shaped bowl with flaring sides; Bowl is made from a single sheet of birch bark that has been trimmed and folded to shape, with a long flap at one end extending up and out from the bowl to form a wide handle; Overlapping joins at the ends of the bowl are sewn together with willow roots; Natural white color of exterior of bark faces outward; Exterior rim of both the bowl and handle are reinforced by 2 separate bark strips along the rim of the bowl and by a separate bark strip identical in size to the handle and positioned on its underside, all of which are then secured with a willow reinforcing rod which is coil wrapped with willow roots. | |
Dimensions (cm) | Height = 17.6, Width = 12.5, Length = 31.6 |