Catalog Number | CAS 2017-0005-0029 | |
Category | Carvings | |
Object Name | Plaque | |
Culture | Micronesian | |
Global Region | Oceania | |
Country | Federated States of Micronesia | |
State/Prov./Dist. | Yap | |
County | ||
Other Geographic Data | Western Caroline Islands | |
Maker's Name | Lukan | |
Date of Manufacture | 1975 | |
Collection Name | N/A | |
Materials | Wood | |
Description | Honorary plaque carved out of a thick piece of native wood; Two palm trees with pieces of large stone currency at their bases flank the sides and are carved in bas relief; A styled sun has also been carved in the middle, with the inscription “0523.” Additional text inscribed on plaque reads: “Civic Action Team, Yap, LTJG-Hocker, 1974-1975”; Presented to the donor while leading a United Nations Civic Action Team in the Yap District, Federated States of Micronesia, 1974-1975. | |
Dimensions (cm) | Height = 30.0, Width = 22.2, Thickness = 2.5 |