Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number CAS 2018-0007-0005   CAS 2018-0007-0005; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name CC
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Burnett
Materials Wood; Paint; Feathers; Fur; Leather
Description 3-dimensional carved figure in dance position, representing Sai-astasana or Hututu Katsina (Zuni Rain Priest Katsina, Rain Priest of the North Katsina), who appears in the Shalako ceremony in order to bring rain and provide longevity to the people and protection from their enemies; Figure wears a white kilt painted at the bottom in turquoise with a yellow star and black and white lines, brown dance sash with fringe extending at the sides, and fringed brown bands wrapped around the calves, extending to just above the feet; Face is white with a thick unbroken black rectangle as eyes, and a solid black triangular nose/mouth; A pair of vertical black lines is under the eyes, which symbolize a warrior’s footprints; Figure wears a neck ruff of long white fur, red sash around right wrist and holds grey feathers in left hand; Short grey feathers extend from crown of head; A black and white tab ear protrudes from the left side of the head, while an upturned white horn extends from the right side, painted with blue zigzag pattern; Signed “Rain Priest CC” on bottom.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 11.3, Width = 5.6, Length = 6.5