Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number CAS 2019-0001-0124   CAS 2019-0001-0124; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name B. Quomahongnewa
Date of Manufacture ca. 1986
Collection Name N/A
Materials Cottonwood; Paint; Fur; Leather; Glue
Description Pot Carrier katsina; Three-dimensional figure in standing position; The figure’s head is painted black with a white hand shape outlined in red over the face; The ears are red and there are four carved feathers on top of the head; The figure wears a fur ruff, white long-sleeved shirt and white kilt with red, green, and black patterns and a red, white, green, and black patterned sash; A fox fir hangs from the waist at the back; The figure’s legs and hands are painted a reddish brown and a white grid pattern is painted over the legs; The figure also wears reddish-brown moccasins with green bands with white and green patterns around the ankles and natural colored string ties (left is missing); The figure carries a large black pot on its back secured around the shoulders by a white braided leather strap; In the figure’s right hand it carries a turquoise rattle and in the left it carries a wooden crook; The figure is standing on an unpainted wooden base; Signature on the bottom reads “Hopi Pot Carrier by B. Quomahongnewa”; There is also a large sticker on the bottom of the base that reads “KG152 125 Sivuikil Toka C.114 Hand-runner-Matya”.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 17.5, Width = 6.2, Length = 9.8