Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number CAS 2019-0001-0176   CAS 2019-0001-0176; Mask
Category Bead & Leatherwork
Object Name Mask
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Alaska
Other Geographic Data Anaktuvuk
Maker's Name unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1972
Collection Name N/A
Materials Caribou hide; Wolf fur; Seal skin; Vegetal dye
Description Mask of woman; Made from a segment of caribou hide; Wet caribou skin is applied to wooden face mold to create a mask of a woman’s face; Entire outer edge of mask is covered in wolf fur, as if the person were wearing a fur trimmed parka hood; Wolf fur has also been added as hair and eyebrows.
Dimensions (cm) Height = ca. 21.4, Width = ca. 15.4, Length = 4.0