Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number CAS 2019-0004-0010   CAS 2019-0004-0010; Bowl
Category Carvings; Vessels
Object Name Bowl
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Lacquer
Description Large plate in the shape of an octagon, painted in a deep red; Base of plate is decorated with a single large flower in black, asymmetrically placed in one corner; Plate is slightly convex; Sticker on base has single kanji ? (ki: “wood” or “tree”) and “Gold Craft Mfg”. *Non-Roman alphabet characters are not legible in the online listing. Japanese characters, such as those included here, appear as a series of question marks. Other scripts, such as Greek letters, may appear as Roman letters but be inaccurately transcribed.
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 23.8, Length = 13.9