Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 0135-0002   CAS 0135-0002; Shark tooth sword
Category Weaponry
Object Name Shark tooth sword
Culture Micronesian: I-Kiribati
Global Region Oceania
Country Kiribati (Gilbert Islands)
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture mid to late 1800s
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) teeth; Plant fiber cordage; Human hair cordage
Description Sword with a cylindrical wooden shaft that tapers very gradually to a sharp distal point; Three areas along the length of the shaft, measuring approx. 1.5 cm wide each, are wrapped in 2-ply black human hair cordage, seemingly for decorative purposes only; Two rows of 36 small shark teeth each are aligned opposite each other along entire length of shaft from just above hand grip to approx. 5 cm from the distal tip; Each tooth is drilled through its center, and the teeth are flanked on either side by a peeled twig, all of which are lashed together with plant fiber cordage that is wound back and forth between the two rows of teeth; Two additional rows of 18 shark teeth each are similar mounted on the lower half of the sword’s shaft between the two original rows; All teeth are pointed upwards toward the distal tip, except the two uppermost ones which point downward; A single hole has been drilled through hand grip of shaft near the proximal end.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 4.0, Thickness = 4.0, Length = 64.5