Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number CAS 0143-0207   CAS 0143-0207; Mallet
Category Weaponry
Object Name Mallet
Culture Micronesian: Marshallese
Global Region Oceania
Country Marshall Islands
State/Prov./Dist. unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1800s
Collection Name N/A
Materials Shell: Tridacna sp.
Description Club-shaped piece of tridacna shell pecked and ground to overall shape with flattened, rounded distal end and short cylindrical proximal end or hand grip; One face has several large pieces that have been removed and the scarred area ground smooth; Overall color is ivory; Mallets of this type are used to beat pandanus leaves, thereby softening them for use in weaving baskets and mats.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 11.6, Thickness = 6.6, Length = 26.0