Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number CAS 0227-1087B   CAS 0227-1087B; Figurine fragment (torso)
Category Pottery
Object Name Figurine fragment (torso)
Culture Maya
Global Region Mexico & Central America
Country Guatemala
State/Prov./Dist. Huehuetenango
Other Geographic Data Site: unknown (Chalchitan or Pichikil [Pichiquil])
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Elgueta Collection (Mayan)
Materials Clay
Description Torso of male figure resting on base at the waist; Torso and base are glued together (it is not clear that the torso and base were originally constructed as one); Torso is wearing a poncho-like tunic with rounded ends on both front and back; This tunic appears to have been made from a separate thin layer of clay with rolled designs, then pressed onto the torso before firing; Under the tunic is an short-sleeved garment or arm band; Base is rectangular with flared bottom edges; Base has incised designs on the sides and back; The base incisions consist of the same pattern on each surface: vertical lines running from the top of the base to the bottom, with a semicircle in the middle; These semicircles are positioned with the convex side down and a horizontal line capping the concave end; The semicircle on the figure's right side has an additional U-shaped line running parallel to and inside its form, while the semicircle on the figure's left side has two lines inside its form which are more parallel to the horizontal "cap"; The semicircle on the back of the base has a single line inside its form, parallel to the horizontal "cap"; Red-orange terra cotta with fire damage; It is not entirely clear that this torso goes with the head CAS 0227-1087A.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 19.1, Width = 11.6, Length = 7.5