Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 0227-1110   CAS 0227-1110; Figurine (seated man)
Category Pottery
Object Name Figurine (seated man)
Culture Maya
Global Region Mexico & Central America
Country Guatemala
State/Prov./Dist. Huehuetenango
Other Geographic Data Site: unknown (Chalchitan or Pichikil [Pichiquil])
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Elgueta Collection (Mayan)
Materials Clay
Description Male figure, seated with feet facing forward, knees brought up the chest, hands on knees; Mouth and eyes are oval with thick outlines; Nose is wide and flat; Hair is in a "pageboy" style, with straight bangs and flaps of hair hanging down over ears to chin (only left flap is still present); Hair has incised lines running front to back on bangs, top to bottom on side flaps; Hair appears to have been made from a separate thin layer of clay, then pressed onto the head before firing; Back and top back of the head are bald; Figure wears cap sleeved tunic with rounded, fringed collar in front, stratified pattern in back; Back pattern of tunic consists of top and bottom horizontal bands with multiple vertical lines, center band of rounded squares containing circles is separated from top and bottom bands by unadorned bands; Red-orange terra cotta with fire damage.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 20.1, Width = 11.1, Length = 13.0