Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number CAS 0493-0122   CAS 0493-0122; Headdress
Category Accessories/Ornaments; Bead & Leatherwork
Object Name Headdress
Culture Gabra
Global Region Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Kenya
State/Prov./Dist. Gabraland
Other Geographic Data North Horr
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1970s
Collection Name Torry Collection (Gabra)
Materials Metal: aluminum; Leather; Glass
Description Headdress consisting of pair of leather cords that are woven together to form single strand; End of single strand is turned back on itself and secured to form a loop at the end; Entire strand is worn around wearer’s forehead, with four short strands of red and yellow beads hanging pendant from the center, below two horizontal strands of small red beads and two commercial mother-of-pearl buttons; Areas that cover wearer’s temples are spiral wrapped with narrow flattened strip of aluminum; Separate plied leather cord is looped through loops at ends of forehead strand and hangs down wearer’s back; Part of this strand is wrapped with aluminum as single strand, then the two strands divide to form separate long pendant strands, both of which also incorporate a wooden stick and are fully wrapped with additional aluminum; One of the strands terminates in a single red and a single yellow plastic bead and a flat aluminum disk, stamped on one face with a cross pattern; Other strand terminates in a flat steel (?) disk that is undecorated; According to original field notes, metal jewelry worn by the Gabra is actually made by Konso metalsmiths; This type of headdress is worn by women.
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 17.0, Length = ca. 42.0