Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 0513-0146   CAS 0513-0146; Necklace
Category Bead & Leatherwork; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Necklace
Culture Rendille
Global Region Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Kenya
State/Prov./Dist. Marsabit, Rendilleland
Other Geographic Data Marsabit, Rendilleland
Maker's Name Kunini
Date of Manufacture 1973
Collection Name N/A
Materials Plastic beads; Wire; Cow leather
Description Collar-like necklace consisting of continuous strand of plastic beads that spirals into 23 concentric circles (giving appearance of multiple strands in solid colors of blue, red, yellow, and green and 2 strands of alternating red and white, orange and blue, or black and white and black and yellow), all strung on wire and threaded through 8 leather spacer bars; Entire necklace is rubbed with ochre and animal fat; This type of necklace is worn by both married and unmarried women of the Arial clan.
Dimensions (cm) Depth = 4.0, Thickness = 0.7, Max Diam = 35.0