Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 2018-0002-0005   CAS 2018-0002-0005; Seed beater basket
Category Basketry
Object Name Seed beater basket
Culture Western Mono
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. California
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1960s-1980s
Collection Name N/A
Materials Warp: whole redbud (Cercis canadensis var. texensis) shoots; Weft: split redbud shoots; Peeled willow (Salix sp.) or sourberry (Rhus trilobata) shoots
Description Shallow, scoop-shaped, open-twined seed beater basket with warp ends gathered forming upright handle at proximal end; Woven of whole redbud shoots as the warp and split redbud shoots are the weft; Rim is likely made of peeled willow or sourberry shoots.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 10.8, Width = 17.7, Length = 36.2