Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1614   CAS 0370-1614; Bracelet
Category Bead & Leatherwork; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Bracelet
Culture Inupiat
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Alaska
County unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture late 1800s to early 1900s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Glass
Description Bracelet comprising glass trade beads from Alaska; Bracelet is strung of alternate white and red tubular beads, with 4 shorter light blue beads placed at regular intervals, all strung on 2 strands of cordage.
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 0.7, Length = ca. 9.5