Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number

CAS 0389-0723   CAS 0389-0723; Food mold (ice cream mold)
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold (ice cream mold)
Global Region Europe
Country unknown
Other Geographic Data Western Europe
Maker's Name A. P.?
Date of Manufacture late 1800s to early 1900s
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: lead; Tin
Description Ice cream mold in the form of a bivalve shell, made in two pieces and hinged together; The two halves of the mold are slightly different, but each is cast in the form of a multilayered shell, imitating the successive growth rings of an actual shell; Exterior of mold is embossed with initials "A.P."
Dimensions (cm) Width = 6.8, Thickness = 4.7, Length = 7.7