Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Distribution Map

The colors below indicate the kind of documentation available for this species in the California counties where it occurs.


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Fremontodendron californicum

The median strip of many California freeways is commonly planted with Oleander, a poisonous exotic native to the Mediterranean basin. Fremontia also deserves consideration as a potential freeway plant. It is tolerant of smog and drought resistant but does best in well-watered but well-drained situations. This species produces showy displays of lemon-yellow saucer-like flowers followed by bristly brown capsules. The largely tropical family to which Fremontia belongs includes such economically important plants as Cola (a source of caffeine) and Theobroma (cocoa).

DISTRIBUTION: Common in chaparral, and oak-pine woodland throughout the Calif. Floristic Province; 400-2000 m.
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