California Academy of Sciences » Research » Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology & Geology » Diatoms » Hanna Fellowship |
HANNA STUDENT FELLOWSHIPThe Diatom Collection at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco offers an annual fellowship for a qualified graduate student to aid in research of diatom taxonomy, systematics, ecology or micropaleontology. The Hanna Fellowship provides a stipend of up to $750 to be used toward travel and lodging expenses. Applicants should submit a brief proposal of their research plan, budget, curriculum vitae, and list of 2 references to the Student Fellowship Committee at the address below. The Diatom Collection has original sample material from over 18,000 localities and contains 60,000 slides with 55,000 identified specimens, of which 470 are type specimens. The material represents a range of freshwater and marine, extant and fossil collections. The reference library includes original references and rare diatom literature. Excellent microscopes (light and scanning electron) are also available for use. For further information, contact: Dr. Patrick Kociolek ( pkociolek at )