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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Gomphonema C.A. Agardh 1824, pg. XVI, pg. 11
Generitype T: Gomphonema geminatum (Lyngbye) Agardh 1824 (= Echinella geminata Lyngbye 1819)
Designated by ICBN 1956, p. 200, or ICBN 1961 (006910), p. 208 ?
Year Designated 1956
Nomenclatural status nom. rej.
Recent revisions
Comments Gomphonema Agardh 1824 is rejected vs Gomphonema Ehrenberg 1832 (nom. cons.) (see ICBN 1956, p. 200, ref. 006916). No type is listed in ICBN 1956 (ref. 006916), G. geminatum is given as type in ICBN 1961 (ref. 006910), p. 208. In original publication, Latin description of the genus p. XVI and Latin descriptions of 2 species G. paradoxum (p. 11) and G. geminatum (p. 12), no type designated. Farr et al. 1979 indicate that the type (G. geminatum) was designated by Kutzing 1844 (ref. 000595), p. 86, 122. Kützing transferred Echinella paradoxa (on which G. paradoxum is based) to genus Rhipidophora (p. 122), retaining Gomphonema geminatum within genus Gomphonema (p. 86). Kützing's action by itself does not constitute lectotypification of the genus. Pre-conservation lectotypification with G. geminatum is effected by Boyer 1927, p. 187 (ref. 000155). Nomenclatural synonym: Didymosphenia M. Schmidt 1899 (nom. cons.).
Published in

Agardh, C.A. 1824  (ref. 102)

Systema Algarum

Adumbravit C.A. Agardh. Lundae Literis Berlingianis. Lundae xxxvii, 312 pp.