Amphora cymbifera Cleve 1883, p. 462
Status | valid | illegitimate |
Comments | Non Gregory 1857. As A. cymbifera (Greg.?) Cl., with a description and a reference to an unnamed specimen in Schmidt’s Atlas (1875) pl. XXV, fig. 35 (ref. 012447). Can probably be treated as the name of a new taxon, not a “sensu”. Synonym: Amphora erebi f. cymbifera De Toni 1891 |
Published in | Cleve, P.T. 1883 [ref. 000224]. Diatoms, Collected during the expedition of the Vega. Vega-Expedition Vetenskåpliga Iakttagelser Bearbetade of Deltagare I Resan Och Andra Forskare untgifna af A.E. Nordenskiöld 3:457-517, 4 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Amphora erebi f. cymbifera De Toni 1891