Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Cyclotella estonica Laugaste & Genkal in Genkal & Laugaste 1985, p. 33-34; fig. 5-11
Published inGenkal, S.I. 1985 [ref. 008234]. Species nova e genere Stephanodiscus Ehr. (Bacillariophyta). Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Non Vascularium (Academia Scientiarum URSS Institutum Botanicum Nomine V.L. Komarovii) (Novosti Sistematiki Nizschikh Rastenii) 22:30-32, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate