World Checklist of Extant Mecoptera Species
Mecoptera represent one of the major basic lineages of holometabolous
insects. They are most often defined by the characters they do not possess.
Hindwings are not modified into small halteres, as in Diptera. Forewings
are not modified into sclerotized wing covers, as in Coleoptera. Wings
are not covered with hairs or scales, as in Trichoptera and Lepidoptera.
Their bodies are not strongly flattened and sclerotized for an ectoparasitic
mode of existence, as in fleas. Forewings are similar in size and shape,
unlike Hymenoptera. Wings usually do not have reticulate venation, with
apical forks and twiggings, as in Neuroptera and Megaloptera. The thorax
is not elongate, as in Raphidioptera (snake-flies). However, many of the
modern families of Mecoptera have the mouthparts extended into an elongate
rostrum. Even though these differences occur, several of these groups
probably shared a common ancestor with Mecoptera. Because of this lack
of defining, unifying characters for all Mecoptera and the basal relationships
with so many other orders, the Mecoptera are almost certainly not a monophyletic
group as currently defined and will probably eventually be redefined as
several groups.
Today mecopterans represent no more than one one-hundredth of one
percent of living species, but in the Permian fossil beds of Elmo, Kansas
they accounted for 40% of known fossils. The remnant fauna existing
today is quite diverse in life history, as might be expected from more
than 200 million years of evolution.
This list of mecopterans (scorpion-flies and hanging-flies) is being
placed on the internet as a reference resource to the biological community
and curious naturalists. It is an updated version of the world checklist
published by Penny & Byers (1979). Most references are completely
cited in Schlee (1976). State abbreviations for Brazil, Canada, and
U.S.A. use their respective official postal codes. An attempt will be
made to keep it current. Anyone wishing to suggest changes or updates
should contact Norman D. Penny at NPenny@CalAcademy.org. I wish to thank
Hideo Ogai for many helpful suggestions for improvement of the part
dealing with the Japanese fauna. Any contributions of mecopteran photos
are most greatly appreciated to help make this website more colorful
and interesting.
(winter scorpion-flies)
Meropeidae (earwig-flies)
Byers, G.W. 1965. Families and genera of Mecoptera. Proceedings of
the XIIth International Congress of Entomology, London, 1964.
Byers, G.W. 1989. Homologies in wing venation of primitive Diptera
and Mecoptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Penny, N.D. and G.W. Byers. 1979. A check-list of the Mecoptera
of the world. Acta Amazonica 9:365-388.
Schlee, von H.-B. and D. Schlee. 1976. Bibliographie der rezenten
und fossilen Mecoptera. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde Serie
A (Biologie) Nr. 282. 76 pp.
Last Update: 05 July 2005.
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