Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Herpetology Collection Database

CAS 9611 Phyllodactylus baurii  Gekkonidae
Country: Ecuador State:
Galapagos Prov.
Island(s): Galapagos Ids., Floreana Id.
Locality: Black Beach Rd, beach to 1000 ft (by barometer)  Collector(s): J.R. Slevin
Date Collected: 7 Oct 1905
Collector's (Field) Number: 1100 Field Notes:
Latitude: 1º 16' 51" S Longitude: 90º 28' 10" W Coord. Source:   Google Earth, 2013.
Datum: WGS84 Max. Lat/Long Error Elev: 0-1000 ft Georef. By: J.V. Vindum
Georef. Remarks:
Stated Locality:   Charles Island, Galapagos Archipelago. Black Beach Road Beach, to 1000 ft. by Bar. Habitat:
Life Stage:   Sex: Preservative: Alc Identified:
GenBank#: Tissue:
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