Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Herpetology Collection Database

CAS 171013 Teratoscincus przewalskii  Gekkonidae
Country: China State:
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
Hami Prefecture
Locality: 19.5 km E of the Uygur girl-Hami Mellon monument in the center of Hami (42 48 N, 93 27 E), also at km 177.9 from the Gansu Prov. line on the Lanzhou-Urumqi Rd, then 9.0 km NE on dirt rd to Mirowlu  Collector(s): J.R. Macey and T.J. Papenfuss
Date Collected: 2 Sep 1988
Collector's (Field) Number: RM-5889 Field Notes:
Latitude: 42º 50' 38.3" N Longitude: 93º 49' 25.5" E Coord. Source:   Google Earth, 2015.
Datum: WGS84 Max. Lat/Long Error Elev: 1000 m Georef. By: J.V. Vindum
Georef. Remarks:
Stated Locality:   Elev. 1000 m, 19.5 km east of the Uygur girl-Hami Mellon monument in the center of Hami (42 48 N 93 27 E), also at km 177.9 from the Gansu Province line on the Lanzhou-Urumqi Rd., then 9.0 km NE on dirt road to Mirowlu, Hami (Kumul) Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China Habitat:
Life Stage: Adult  Sex: Preservative: Alc Identified: R. Macey and T.J. Papenfuss, 16 Jan 1989
GenBank#: Tissue:
Remarks: <Publications>