Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Ogcocephalus and notatus [ 4 ] records

angusta, Malthe Cuvier [G.] 1829:252 [Le Règne Animal (Edition 2) v. 2; ref. 995] No locality. No types known. Valenciennes specimens: MNHN A-4767 (1) French Guiana, A-4768 (1) Suriname. Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:145 [ref. 6339] dating to Valenciennes 1837 with syntypes MNHN A.4767 and A.4768 from Suriname. Apparently available from footnote as, "M. angusta, Nob., dont le squelette est daus Rosenthal, pl. Ichthyol., t. XIX, 2." Also appeared as Malthaea angusta Valenciennes 1837:447, 454 [ref. 1006]. •Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 1980:243 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

cayennensis, Ogcocephalus nasutus var. Puyo [J.] 1936:241, Fig. 46 [Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse v. 71 (no. 4); ref. 15298] Cayenne, French Guiana. No types known. •Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 1980:243 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

notata, Malthaea Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1837:453 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 12; ref. 1006] Suriname; New York, U.S.A. Syntypes: MNHN A-4764 (3) Suriname, ?A-5242 (?). Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:146 [ref. 6339]. Appeared first as Malthe notata as name only in Cuvier 1829:252 [ref. 995] and Richardson 1836:103 [ref. 3731]. According to Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Malthe angusta Cuvier 1829 is a senior synonym but continued usage of the name Malthaea notata Valenciennes 1837 is recommended. •Valid as Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:255 [ref. 14275], Camargo & Isaac 2001:141 [ref. 27639], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192], Rotundo et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:682 [ref. 38945], Hoff et al. 2023:7 [ref. 40463], Carvalho-Filho 2023:86 [ref. 40480]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Colombia to São Paulo (Brazil). Habitat: marine.

truncata, Malthaea Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1837:454 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 12; ref. 1006] America. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-4772. Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:146 [ref. 6339], Bauchot & Daget 1996:243 [ref. 22899]. Appeared first as Malthe truncata without distinguishing features in Cuvier 1829:252 [ref. 995] and in Richardson 1836:103 [ref. 3731]. •Valid as Malthe truncata (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Herrera 1896:73 [ref. 39336]). •Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

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