March -- 2002

California Academy of Sciences Library

Children's Books
Multimedia & Audio/Visual
Curriculum Guides


Pub. QL668 .E227 L49 1989
Cane Toads: An Unnatural History / Stephanie Lewis. New York: Dolphin/Doubleday, 1989.

In 1935 cane toads were imported from Hawaii to Australia. The goal of the importation was to eliminate destructive beetles who were decimating sugarcane crops. Some important factors, however, were overlooked. The beetles could fly, the toads couldn't, and soon the countryside was overrun. Today, the cane toads have spread from their original area throughout portions of Australia. This book discusses the introduction, the current situation, and takes a humorous look at a very serious problem.

Pub. SH383 .E36 1999
Men & Whales / Richard Lewis. New York: The Lyons Press, 1999.

The natural and cultural history of whaling and mankind's interaction with whales is examined in this interesting and comprehensive book. From mentions of whales by Alexander the Great in the 4th century B.C. to the current ban on commercial whaling, the book examines how whales and whaling have been, and continue to be, important. Included in the volume are information on individual whale species that were important to the whaling industry, a whaling term glossary, a bibliography, an index, photos, and illustrations.

Pub. GE149 .L6513 2001
The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World / Bjørn Lomborg. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

The author, an associate professor of statistics, challenges evidence that the world environment is only getting worse. Using statistical analysis of raw data received from governmental and private organizations, he disputes the information put out by environmental organizations. Though the author disagrees with the idea that things are as bad as certain organizations and the media portray them to be, he does fervently believe that problems exist and need to be dealt with. Topics examined include pollution, global warming, and biodiversity. Well documented with more than 2500 footnotes, the book, whether you agree or disagree with its premise, is thought provoking.
The book includes an index, extensive notes, a bibliography, charts, and graphs.

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Pub. Juv PZ7 .M478 Bo 1999
The Bone Keeper / Megan McDonald. New York: DK Ink, 1999.

Intriguing illustrations are a feature of this book about a woman gathering bones in the desert. With the bones she creates a skeleton that comes to life and grows fur. The text is very lyrical, and while this story won't be for everyone, the mood it creates stays with you.

Pub. Juv PZ7 .L8787 Bo 1997
Boogie Bones / Elizabeth Loredo. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1997.

The flyer that blew into the graveyard said "Dance Contest," and Boogie Bones the skeleton loved to dance. So he hatched a plan to go into town and dance at the contest, even though skeletons never leave the graveyard unless they're trick-or-treating on Halloween. With help from the other skeletons he puts together a disguise and heads off to the contest, never guessing what would happen when the music really got jumping!

Pub. Juv QM101 .D79 1996
Dem Bones / Bob Barner. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 1996.

The words of this story/song were originally sung as African American spirituals. Today, the text is used to teach children about anatomy, and how the bones are put together in the human body. The bright illustrations are a highlight of this book, and you might even want to get up and dance. After all, the toe bones connected to the foot bone...

Pub. Juv E78 .G73 G625 1990
Iktomi and the Buffalo Skull / Paul Goble. New York: Orchard Books, 1990.

Iktomi is always getting into trouble, and today is no different. While on his way to flirt with the girls in the next village, he falls off his horse, tries to join a mouse powwow, gets a buffalo skull stuck on his head, and loses most of his hair. Only his wife can save him from his predicament.

Pub. Juv QE842 .J63 2000
Pippin and the Bones / K. V. Johansen. Toronto; Niagara Falls, NY: Kids Can Press Ltd., 2000.

Pippin the dog likes bones. And to keep other dogs from getting to her bones, she loves to bury them in Mabel's garden! Mabel has other ideas, however, and she scolds Pippin for ripping up her tomatoes. So Pippin takes her new beef bone and heads off to the woods to find a better place to bury it. In all that digging, she finds more bones than she could ever imagine, including a skull! Follow the cheerful illustrations and humorous text to find out what happens next, and discover how Pippin's bones find a new home.

Pub. Juv QL695.5 .D45 1984
Tropical Birds Coloring Book / Lucia de Leiris. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1984.

Scientific names, brief information about the birds and their habitats, and full color examples are provided in this great coloring book filled with tropical birds. The lorikeet, tawny frogmouth, fairy bluebird, and others are included for total of 44 pages of coloring entertainment.

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Pub. AV&M Ql698.3 .L53 1999 Tapes 1-5
The Life of Birds. [Bristol, England?]: BBC Video; Beverly Hills, CA: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment [distributor], c1999.

Each 100 minute tape contains two episodes of David Attneborough's fabulous series about bird life. Brilliant images take you to places you've never been, focus on things you've likely never noticed, or show you things that happen so quickly you can't see them with the naked eye. Through it all, Attenborough is your host, narrating the scenes and popping up in the strangest places to take you further into The Life of Birds. The episodes from the series are To Fly or Not to Fly, The Mastery of Flight, The Insatiable Appetite, Meat-Eaters, Fishing for a Living, Signals & Songs, Finding Partners, The Demands of the Egg, The Problems of Parenthood, and The Limits of Endurance.

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Pub. LB1585.3 .E34 2001
EDThoughts: What We Know About Science Teaching and Learning / Alice Krueger and John Sutton, editors. Aurora, CO: Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning, 2001.

This volume supports standards-based reform of science education, addressing relevant questions in the area, providing background information, and referring teachers to publications of interest. Educational research and best practices are discussed along with classroom implications.

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All of the materials above are available for loan to Academy members.

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