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Help in Searching the Elkus Indian Papers Catalog

You may construct a query of any length, containing a mix of single words and quoted phrases. If you choose, you may specify a logical connector (and, or, or and not) between each query term. Doing this will automatically override the and or or button selected on the web page. Please note that if you specify your own connectors in this way, your query will return exact matches for each of your search terms even if you have the Match word variations option checked.

The wildcard character is "*". For example, searching for lit* will retrieve lithograph, Littler, litigation, literature, and so on.

If one or more terms in your query contains a wildcard character, other words in the query will be searched for their exact matches. That is, searching for word variations and using wildcard characters, while they can achieve similar results, are mutually exclusive parameters on this search page.

Specific Error Messages
If your query generates an error, the specific error message can be found at the bottom of the Query Error page, following bracketed notes about which part of the software generated the error. The message "[ 0 ] records returned... " is not an error message, but indicates that none of your search terms generated a match.

The query contained only ignored words

Extremely common words or "stop words" (such as "of" or "the") in a query, outside of a quoted phrase, will generate this message.

Syntax error in search condition 'xxxx' SQL did not recognize the format of the query. There may be a typographical mistake (such as a missing or extra space, or a misplaced quotation mark) in the search terms.