1. Biography, pictures, newspaper articles, miscellaneous personal
  2. Photo-electric counter for C.A.S., article re: Hanna by R.C. Miller, unpublished Whitney survey
  3. Correspondence 1924-1970
  4. Correspondence 1924-1970
  5. Correspondence 1924-1970
  6. Correspondence 1924-1970
  7. Correspondence 1924-1970
  8. Correspondence 1924-1970
  9. Correspondence 1924-1970
  10. Correspondence 1924-1970
  11. Correspondence 1924-1970
  12. Correspondence 1924-1970
  13. Correspondence 1924-1970
  14. Correspondence 1924-1970
  15. Correspondence 1924-1970
  16. Correspondence 1924-1970
  17. Correspondence 1924-1970
  18. Correspondence 1924-1970
  19. Correspondence 1924-1970
  20. Manuscripts "Observation on Liostephania" and "Fossil Diatoms from the Pribilof Islands", map of Gulf of California from C.A.S. 1921 expedition, Microbiology Bulletin, Stanford 1926
  21. Manuscript "Index to Literature of West American Diatoms"
  22. Published articles on diatoms, drawings of micro. forms
  23. Published articles on diatoms, Golden Gate Pathfinder 1921 & 1922
  24. Publications, reprints
  25. Publications, reprints
  26. Publications, reprints, correspondence 1939-1966
  27. Publications, reprints
  28. Publications, reprints
  29. Publications, reprints
  30. Commission on toxic waste disposal
  31. Commission on toxic waste disposal
  32. Optical work
  33. Macrological studies, Pribilof Islands
  34. Alaska, miscellaneous articles and publications
  35. Alaska, Earthquake
  36. Alaska, Earthquake - biological reports, manuscripts, pictures
  37. Alaska etc., published articles, reprints
  38. Alaska, biological reports, 1964-1966
  39. Alaska, Earthquake, manuscripts, printed material, damage to fish
  40. Lists of wells, paleontological descriptions, lists
  41. Carbon copy of The Fur Seal Islands manuscript, photos accompanying manuscript
    1. 30 metal slide boxes and 2-drawer card index
    2. Newspaper articles, manila covering, Hanna articles
    3. Packet - Royal Microscopical Society

See also cataloged photographs:

Guadalupe Expedition of 1922 (Catalog #s N362-N690)

Revillagigedo Expedition of 1925 (Catalog #s N691-N1054, N2127-N2167)

Orca Expedition of 1953 (Catalog #s N2234-N2270)

Steller Sea Lions at Aņo Nuevo, 1924 (Catalog #s N2190-N2227)