Folder List
- Constitution and Bylaws; 1895, 1912 (agenda for undated meeting inserted), 1967
- Annual Meeting Announcements and Programs; 1926-1933, 1937, 1940-1942, 1952
- Monthly Meeting Announcements - Northern Division; 1924-1927, 1934
- Meeting Agendas and Minutes; 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1932
- Annual Report; 1959
- Membership Lists and Applications; n.d., 1932, 1938
- Correspondence and Misc.; n.d., 1913, 1922-1925, 1929-1931
- The C.O.C., 1893-1928: A History by Harry S. Swarth; 1929
- The Buzzard: A Hard Boiled Magazine - Published by the Cuckoo Ornithological Club - Vol. 1, No. 1-2; 1926-1927
- Exhibit Catalog - "First American Bird Art Exhibition: Assembled by the Cooper Ornithological Club"; April 1926
- Exhibit Catalog - "Exhibition of the Work of Maj. Allan Brooks" - Held in Connection with COC Annual Meeting; May 1928
- "Some Cooper Club Personalia"; 1928 [includes Dr. Joseph Grinnell, W. Lee Chambers, Harry S. Swarth, and J. Eugene Law]
- Photographs - Joseph Mailliard (2 5x7 b/w negatives, 1 3½x5 print, 1 photo Christmas card), 1895? group photo, and 1959 Annual Meeting attendees (b/w 8x10); n.d., 1895?, 1940?, 1959