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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Eunotia turgida f. excavata "M. Peragallo in Heribaud et al." according to Van Landigham 1979, p. 4300
as Eunotia turgida var. porcellus f. excavata
CommentsCitation error for "Epithemia turgida var. Porcella f. excavata M. Per." listed on p. 31 in Héribaud 1920 (ref. 000482)
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Anomoeoneis macdonaghi (Frenguelli) VanLandingham 1979, p. 4257
BasionymNavicula macdonaghi (mac-donaghi) Frenguelli 1929
CommentsAlthough it is not listed as a “new comb.”, we treat it as a valid new combination because the basionym is cited as well as its place of publication, and the name is accepted by VanLandingham, (upper case print)
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula macdonaghi (mac-donaghi) Frenguelli 1929

Amphora angusta var. minor '(Grunow in Schmidt et al.) Cleve' according to VanLandingham 1979, p. 4252
CommentsCitation error for Amphora angusta var. minuta (Grunow in Schmidt et al.) Cleve 1895 (invalid)
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAmphora angusta f. minuta Grunow in Schmidt et al. 1875
Amphora angusta var. minuta (Grunow in Schmidt et al.) Cleve 1895

Coscinodiscus beaufortianus (Hustedt) VanLandingham 1979
BasionymCosmiodiscus beaufortianus Hustedt 1955
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsCosmiodiscus beaufortianus Hustedt 1955
Actinocyclus beaufortianus (Hustedt) Sullivan 1983

Caloneis protrudens (Mann) VanLandingham 1979
BasionymNavicula protrudens Mann 1926
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula protrudens Mann 1926

Diploneis ingens (Mann) VanLandingham 1979, p. 4291
BasionymNavicula ingens Mann 1925
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula ingens Mann 1925
Diploneis ingens (Mann) VanLandingham 1975

Diploneis patricia (Mann) VanLandingham 1979, p. 4292
BasionymNavicula patricia Mann 1925
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula patricia Mann 1925
Diploneis patricia (Mann) VanLandingham 1975

Amphipleura conferta (W. Smith) VanLandingham 1979, p. 4250
CommentsIntended new combination of Schizonema confertum W. Smith 1856. Place of publication of basionym not cited.
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsBerkeleya conferta (W. Smith) Grunow 1880
Carrodoria conferta (W. Smith) Kuntze 1898
Schizonema confertum W. Smith 1856

Achnanthidium perpusilla ‘(Pantocsek) Cleve’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4247
CommentsErr. cit. pro Cocconeis perpusilla Pantocsek. Combination not accepted by VanLandingham (lower case print).
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsCocconeis perpusilla Pantocsek 1889

Actinoptychus minor ‘Grunow in Van Heurck’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4249
CommentsCitation error for Actinoptychus annulatus var. minor Grunow in Van Heurck 1883
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Achnanthidium brevipes var. minus ‘Mereschkowsky’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4246
CommentsErr. cit. pro Achnanthidium brevipes var. minor (Peragallo) Mereshkowsky (ref. 000652). Combination not accepted by VanLandingham 1979 (lower case print).
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAchnanthes brevipes var. minor H. Peragallo in H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo 1897
Achnanthidium brevipes var. minor (H. Peragallo in H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo) Mereschkowsky 1902

Biddulphia antarctica f. typica ‘Meunier’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4264
CommentsCitation error for Biddulphia arctica forma typica sensu Meunier 1910, p. 285 (ref. 000658)
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Amphiprora crassopunctata ‘Missuna’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4250
CommentsCit. err. for Amphora crasso-punctata Missuna 1914. Not a valid new combination. Combination “Amphiprora crassopunctata Missuna” also listed (but invalid) in Makarova & Kozyrenko 1966, p. 45 (ref. 001358)
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Amphiprora gibberula ‘Missuna’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4250
CommentsCitation error for Amphora gibberula Missuna 1914. Not a valid new combination. Combination “Amphiprora gibberula Missuna” also listed (but invalid) in Makarova & Kozyrenko 1966, p. 45 (ref. 001358)
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Amphiprora karpinskii ‘Missuna’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4250
CommentsCitation error for Amphora karpinskii Missuna 1914. Not a valid new combination. Combination “Amphiprora karpinskii Missuna” also listed (but invalid) in Makarova & Kozyrenko 1966, p. 45 (ref. 001358)
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Amphiprora kossuthii ‘Missuna’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4251
CommentsCitation err. for Amphora Kossuthii Pantocsek. Not a valid new combination. Combination “Amphiprora kossuthii var. ventricosa Missuna” listed (but invalid) in Makarova & Kozyrenko 1966, p. 45 (ref. 001358)
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Amphiprora kossuthii var. ventricosa ‘Missuna’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4251
CommentsCit. Err. for Amphora kossuthii var. ventricosa Missuna 1914. Not a valid new combination. Combination “Amphiprora kossuthii var. ventricosa Missuna” listed (but invalid) in Makarova & Kozyrenko 1966, p. 45 (ref. 001358)
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Achnanthes mannii ‘Pantocsek’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4244
CommentsErr. cit. pro Actinocyclus mannii Pantocsek 1909 (ref. 001447).
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Achnanthes muelleri ‘Pantocsek’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4244
CommentsErr. cit. pro Actinoptychus muelleri Pantocsek 1909 (ref. 001447)
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Achnanthes stomatophora ‘Turpin’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4245
CommentsTypographical error for A. stomatimorpha Turpin 1828
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Actinocyclus ovalis ‘Wood’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4248
CommentsErr. cit. for Actinocyclus ovatus Wood 1963
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Amphora ovalis var. permiana ‘Zanon’ VanLandingham 1979, p. 4254
CommentsCitation error for Amphora ovalis var. gracilis f. permiana Zanon 1930 (ref. 002622); not a valid new combination of Zanon’s name.
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAmphora ovalis f. permiana Zanon 1930

Aulacodiscus kittonianus according to VanLandingham 1979, p. 4260
CommentsVanLandingham notes “defunct name often found on slides in old collections” and cites A. kittonii Arnott as the accepted synonym
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Achnanthidium pulchellum 'Brébisson ?' according to VanLandingham 1979, p. 4247
CommentsVanLandingham notes: "[Achnanthidium] pulchellum Brébisson? ex Wm. Smith collection, Van Heurck herb., p. 271, no. 2, Anwerp, Belgium". VanLandingham, also cites as synonym: "Nitzschia sigma Brébisson # 156? ex Wm. Smith collection, Van Heurck herb., Anwerp, Belgium"
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Achnanthes neohustedtii VanLandingham 1979, p. 4244
CommentsNew name for Microneis hustedtii Meister 1932 (priority for Achnanthes hustedtii Bily & Marvan 1959)
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsMicroneis hustedtii Meister 1932

Glyphodesmis hannaites VanLandingham 1979, p. 4305
Published inVanLandingham, S.L. 1979 [ref. 006514]. Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonomy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8:4242-4654.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
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