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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Cymbella buechleri K. Krammer 2002, p. 110, 171; pl. 116, fig. 1
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella cistuliformis K. Krammer 2002, p. 100, 170; pl. 101, fig. 1-4, pl. 102, fig. 1-5
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella cleve-eulerae K. Krammer 2002, p. 105
CommentsNew name for Cymbella arcus Cleve-Euler 1955, Non (Ehrenberg) Hassal 1845, nec Gregory 1856.
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsCymbella arcus Cleve-Euler 1955

Cymbella crassistigmata K. Krammer 2002, p. 86
CommentsSuperfluous name? New name for Cymbella cistula var. gracilis Hustedt 1955 (priority for Cymbella gracilis (Ehrenberg) Kützing 1844). Hufford & Collins 1972 had created a new name for this taxon at species rank (Cymbella cursiformis) and designated a lectotype (specimen on Husted's slide 354/44b at finder 316.9= illustrated in Simonsen 1987, pl. 642, fig. 5-7). Krammer cites in synonymy: Hustedt 1955, fig. 39 only (not 40); Simonsen 642:5-9 (not 643: 1,2). Krammer however adds: "non Cymbella cursiformis Hufford & Collins 1972, p. 184, fig. 4-6, 8, 10"
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsCymbella cistula var. gracilis Hustedt 1955
Cymbella cursiformis Hufford & Collins 1972

Cymbella diversa K. Krammer 2002, p. 80, 168; pl. 67, fig. 4-9, pl. 68, fig. 1-9
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella diversiformis K. Krammer 2002, p. 80, 167; pl. 67, fig. 1, 2
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella diversistigmata K. Krammer 2002, p. 63, 165; pl. 40, fig. 1-11
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella dorsirostrata K. Krammer 2002, p. 30, 159
CommentsAccording to p. 30, illustrated on pl. 10, fig. 1-9, 14-18 (these illustrations are for C. excisa var. subcapitata according to the caption); according to p. 159, illustrated on pl. 10, fig. 1-9. There is no figure in this volume labeled C. dorsirostrata. Krammer 2003 p. 151 (ref. 011692) notes in the corrigenda that Cymbella dorsirostrata is illustrated on fig. 10:1-9, 14-18
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella duplopunctata K. Krammer 2002, p. 109, 171; pl. 116, fig. 2-6
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella elizabethana K. Krammer 2002, p. 83, 168; pl. 26, fig. 9, 10
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella excisa var. angusta K. Krammer 2002, p. 28, 159; pl. 9, fig. 8-18
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella excisa var. procera K. Krammer 2002, p. 28, 159; pl. 9, fig. 1-7, pl. 10, fig. 10-13, pl. 12, fig. 7
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella excisa var. subcapitata K. Krammer 2002, p. 28, 159; pl. 10, fig. 1-9, 14-18
CommentsAccording to errata section in Krammer 2003, p. 151 (ref. 011692), these figures are for Cymbella dorsirostrata Krammer 2002 (same volume). Is Cymbella excisa var. subcapitata illustrated?
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella excisiformis K. Krammer 2002, p. 31, 160; pl. 11, fig. 1-23, pl. 12, fig. 1-5, pl. 13, fig. 1-8, pl. 20, fig. 9-16, pl. 37, fig. 1-7
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella excisiformis var. nonprotracta K. Krammer 2002, p. 31, 160; pl. 37, fig. 8-15
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella exigua K. Krammer 2002, p. 30, 159; pl. 10, fig. 19-24
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella graciliformis K. Krammer 2002, p. 74, 167; pl. 54, fig. 12-15, pl. 74, fig. 5
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella guettingeri K. Krammer 2002, p. 88, 169; pl. 75, fig. 1-9
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella halophila K. Krammer 2002, p. 120, 172; pl. 135, fig. 1-7, pl. 142, fig. 1, 2
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Cymbella hantzschiana K. Krammer 2002, p. 47
CommentsNew name for Cocconema pachycephalum Rabenhorst 1861 (priority for Cymbella pachycephala Rabenhorst 1853)
Published inKrammer, K. 2002 [ref. 009520]. Cymbella. In: H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.), Diatoms of Europe, Diatoms of the European Inland waters and comparable habitats. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., 3:pp. 1-584.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL, E
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsCocconema pachycephalum Rabenhorst 1861
Cocconema tumidum var. pachycephalum (Rabenhorst) Rabenhorst 1864
Cocconema robustum Rabenhorst 1863
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