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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Plagiogramma rokupriense Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 140; pl. 2, fig. 14
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Sceptroneis australis var. rokuprensis (rokupriensis) Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 142; pl. 2, fig. 29
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Spirodiscus flexuosa (Ehrenberg) Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 142
BasionymSurirella flexuosa Ehrenberg 1843
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsCampylodiscus flexuosa (Ehrenberg) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861
Surirella flexuosa Ehrenberg 1843

Stauroneis merrimacensis Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 143; pl. 15, fig. 27
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Stauroneis merrimacensis f. gracilior (Otto Müller) Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 143
BasionymSchizostauron crucicula var. crucicula f. gracilior Otto Müller
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Stauroneis merrimacensis var. intermedia Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 143; pl. 2, fig. 27
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionØ, L
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Stauroneis merrimacensis f. obtusa (Otto Müller) Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 143
BasionymSchizostauron crucicula var. crucicula f. obtusa Otto Müller
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Surirella engleri f. minor Woodhead & Tweed 1960, v. 5(2): p. 144
as Surirella engleri var. constricta f. minor
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Surirella rokuprensis Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 145; pl. 1, fig. 5
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Surirella rudis f. constricta Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 146; pl. 1, fig. 7
as Surirella rudis var. sierraleonensis (sierra-leonensis) f. constricta
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Surirella rudis var. sierraleonensis (sierra-leonensis) Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 146; pl. 1, fig. 9
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Surirella tenella var. constricta Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 145
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Surirella (Suriraya) asperrima f. rokuprensis Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 144; pl. 1, fig. 4
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionE
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Thalassiothrix africana Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 146; pl. 1, fig. 1
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Trachyneis aspera var. parallela Woodhead & Tweed 1960, p. 147; pl. 2, fig. 26
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionE
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Triceratium favus f. parvum Woodhead & Tweed 1960, v. 5(2): p. 147
Published inWoodhead, N. and Tweed, R.D. 1960 [ref. 000926]. Freshwater algae of Sierra Leone. 3. The algae of Rokupr and the Great Scarcies River. Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Série, 5(1):116-150, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
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