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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Naviculadicta geisslerae (Jahn) Jahn in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 86; pl. 52, fig. 5-13
BasionymNavicula geisslerae R. Jahn 1992
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula geisslerae R. Jahn 1992

Naviculadicta multiconfusa Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 86-87; pl. 52, fig. 39-43, v. 18: fig. 79:36, 39
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Naviculadicta vaucheriae (Petersen) Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 83-84
BasionymNavicula vaucheriae Boye Petersen 1915
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula vaucheriae Boye Petersen 1915

Naviculadicta ventraloconfusa (Lange-Bertalot) Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 87-88; pl. 52, fig. 37-38
BasionymNavicula ventraloconfusa Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Krammer 1989
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula ventraloconfusa Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Krammer 1989
Sellaphora ventraloconfusa (Lange-Bertalot) Metzeltin et Lange-Bertalot 1998

Naviculadicta vitabunda (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 88-89; pl. 52, fig. 17, ?18
BasionymNavicula vitabunda Hustedt 1930
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula vitabunda Hustedt 1930
Sellaphora vitabunda (Hustedt) D.G. Mann 1989

Nupela chilensis (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 75-76; pl. 49, fig. 1-6
BasionymAnomoeoneis chilensis Krasske 1939
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsAnomoeoneis chilensis Krasske 1939

Nupela deformis Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 76-77; pl. 49, fig. 23-34, pl. 51, fig. 6
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Nupela neotropica Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 77; pl. 49, fig. 7-9, pl. 51, fig. 1-3
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Nupela pallavicinii (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 78; pl. 49, fig. 44-45
BasionymNavicula pallavicinii Krasske
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Nupela rumrichorum Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 79-80; pl. 49, fig. 14-22, pl. 50, fig. 1-6
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Nupela subinvicta (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 80; pl. 49, fig. 40-43, 10-13
BasionymNavicula subinvicta Krasske 1939
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula subinvicta Krasske 1939

Nupela tristis (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 81; pl. 49, fig. 37-39
BasionymNavicula tristis Krasske 1939
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula tristis Krasske 1939

Sellaphora verecundiae Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser 1994, p. 93-94; pl. 52, fig. 19-28
Published inLange-Bertalot, H. and Moser, G. 1994 [ref. 006662]. Brachysira. Monographie der Gattung. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 29:pp. 1-212.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
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