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Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. guentheri Otto Müller 1900, p. 302; pl. 12, fig. 6-9
as Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. Güntheri n.v.
CommentsNo diagnosis for variety as a whole, but diagnosis for forma 'alpha' (fig. 6, 7), and forma truncata (fig. 8, 9)
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAnomoeoneis sculpta var. guentheri (O. Müller) Cleve-Euler 1953

Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. navicularis Otto Müller 1900, p. 301; fig. 10, 13
CommentsNo diagnosis for variety as a whole, but diagnosis for forma elongata (fig. 13), and forma curta (fig. 10)
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula sphaerophora var. navicularis (Otto Müller) F.W. Mills 1934

Anomoeoneis sphaerophora status primigenus Otto Müller 1900, p. 304; pl. 12, fig. 2
as Anomoeoneis sphaerophora status primigenus
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. rostrata Otto Müller 1900, p. 303; pl. 12, fig. 3-5
as Anomoeoneis sphaerophora forma ‘alpha’ rostrata
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAnomoeoneis rostrata (Otto Müller) Frenguelli 1934

Anomoeoneis sphaerophora f. truncata Otto Müller 1900, p. 302; pl. 12, fig. 8-9
as Anomoeoneis sphaerophora var. güntheri f. ‘beta’ truncata
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Melosira granulata var. angustissima Otto Müller 1900, p. 315; pl. 12, fig. 28
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsMelosira granulata subsp. angustissima (Otto Müller) Skabichevskii 1960
Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima (Otto Müller) Simonsen 1979
Melosira granulata subsp. angustissima (Otto Müller) Cleve-Euler 1938

Navicula bacillaris var. cruciata Otto Müller 1900, p. 313; pl. 12, fig. 25-27
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula cuspidata var. cruciata (Otto Müller) Muschler 1908
Navicula crucialis Frenguelli 1929

Navicula bacillaris f. lanceolata Otto Müller 1900, p. 313; pl. 12, fig. 24, 26, 27
as Navicula bacillaris var. cruciata f. lanceolata
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Navicula bacillaris f. linearis Otto Müller 1900, p. 313; pl. 12, fig. 25-27
as Navicula bacillaris var. cruciata f. linearis
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Navicula bacillaris f. subrostrata Otto Müller 1900, p. 314; pl. 12, fig. 23
as Navicula bacillaris var. cruciata f. subrostrata
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Navicula cuspidata Otto Müller 1900, p. 308; pl. 11, fig. 17
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Navicula cuspidata f. rostrata Otto Müller 1900, p. 311
as Navicula cuspidata var. ambigua f. rostrata
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Navicula cuspidata f. subcapitata Otto Müller 1900, p. 311; pl. 12, fig. 16-17
as Navicula cuspidata var. ambigua f. subcapitata
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Navicula elkab (el kab) Otto Müller 1900, p. 331; pl. 12, fig. 22
CommentsFig. 19-22 according to INA.
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
TypeLT: designated by Kusber & Cocquyt 2007, p. 119 (ref. 012916): [icon] Pl. 12: fig. 21 in Hedwigia 38. 1899 Epitype: slide B. 400 040 256, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (B) - designated by Kusber & Cocquyt 2007, p. 119 (ref. 012916) Isoepitype: slide BR 4098, National Botanic Garden of Belgium, Meise (BR) - designated by Kusber & Cocquyt 2007, p. 119 (ref. 012916)Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityEl Kalb (Egypt). Type locality of the epitype: Ounianga (Chad, Africa)Language of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula cuspidata var. elkabensis Muschler 1908
Craticula elkab (O. Müller) H. Lange-Bertalot, W.-H. Kusber & C. Cocquyt in Kusber & Cocquyt 2007
Craticula elkab (O. Müller) H. Lange-Bertalot 2001

Navicula vallis var. natrii Otto Müller 1900, p. 317
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Navicula vallis var. natrii Otto Müller 1900, p. 317; pl. 12, fig. 19
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Navicula vallis var. natrii Otto Müller 1900, p. 317; pl. 12, fig. 20-22
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Rhopalodia gibberula var. aegyptica Otto Müller 1900, p. 288; pl. 10, fig. 5, 6
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionG
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Rhopalodia gibberula f. alpha Otto Müller 1900, p. 288; pl. 10, fig. 5
as Rhopalodia gibberula var. aegyptica f. alpha
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Rhopalodia gibberula f. alpha Otto Müller 1900, p. 289; pl. 10, fig. 7
as Rhopalodia gibberula var. minuens f. alpha
Published inMüller, O. 1900 [ref. 000674]. Bacillariaceen aus den Natronthälern von El Kab (Ober-Aegypten). Hedwigia 38(5-6):274-288, 289-321, pls. X-XII. [pp. 274-288 published in issue 38(5), 1899; pp. 289-321 published in issue 38(6), 1900]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
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