sabahensis, Apogon Allen [G. R.] & Kuiter [R. H.] 1994:19, Fig. 1 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 21 (no. 1/2); ref. 21601] Police Bay on northern side of Gaya Island, Tunku Abdul Rahman Islands, Sabah, Borneo, West Malaysia, about 6°02'N, 116°01'E, depth 2-5 meters. Holotype: WAM P.30399-012. Paratypes: USNM 328637 (1), WAM P.30399-001 (4). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:25 [ref. 30117]. •Synonym of Apogon griffini (Seale 1910) -- (G. Allen and T. Fraser, pers. comm. 5/2008). •Synonym of Ostorhinchus griffini (Seale 1910). Current status: Synonym of Ostorhinchus griffini (Seale 1910). Apogonidae: Apogoninae. Habitat: marine.